
動物の形はどの様にして決められるのだろうか? 頭とか、尻尾はどの様にして決まるのだろう。背側、腹側を決めているのは何だろうか? あの丸い卵の何処にこの様に複雑な形を支配する力が潜んでいるのだろうか? その形が現れるのは原腸胚形成においてである。そんな思いを持って、両生類(イモリやカエル)の原腸胚を使って研究しています。
   るのか? その時遺伝子は?
   か? 軸形成に陥入は何故必要なのか?  

The recrent papers(最近の論文)

Hiroshi Imoh, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, Tadashi Terahara, Sally  
A. Moody and Akio S. Suzuki
Timing and mechanisms of mesodermal and neural
determination revealed by secondary embryo formation in
embryos of Cynops and Xenopus.
Development, Growth and Differentiation (in press) 1998
Akio S. Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, and Hiroshi Imoh
Direct evidence of an essential role for the extended
involution in the specification of a dorsal marginal
mesoderm during Cynops gastrulation.
Develop. Growth Differ., vol. 39(2):135-141, 1997
Toshiaki Tabata, Kazuhiko Kamio, Tatsuya Tajima, Teruo Kaneda, and Akio S. Suzuki
pag gene-like protein (ABP-25) of the Cynops embryo:
regional distribution and gene expression during early
Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol., vol. 204:400-405, 1995
Yoshiyuki Yamamoto and Akio S. Suzuki
Two essential processes in the formation of a dorsal axis
during gastrulation of Cynops embryo.
Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol., vol. 204:11-19, 1994
Akio S. Suzuki, Toshiaki Tabata, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto
A useful approach for the screening of active neural-
inducing factors.
Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol., vol. 203:351-355, 1994
Akio S. Suzuki, Junichi Manabe, and Hiroshi Imoh
Possible mechanisms in the rearrangement of non-yolk
cytoplasmic materials during maturation of the Xenopus
laevis oocte.
Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol., vol. 202:240-245, 1993

The papers in preparation

Akio S. Suzuki1,2*, Toshiaki Tabata1, Kouji Sakaguchi2, Takashi Takabatake3, Kazuhito Takeshima3, and Teruo Kaneda4
 Temporal expression of the organizer-related genes  
 occurred during an artificial mesodermalization of the early
 Cynops gastrula ectoderm.
Akio. S. Suzuki1, T. Tabata2, and Mineko Katagiri1
 A blastopore formation and mesoderm induction in the
 dorsal- axis formation in Cynops embryogenesis.