Course of Chemistry
Department of Science
Faculty of Science
Kumamoto University
Kurokami 2-39-1, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan

inquiries TEL: +81(Japan)-96-342-3372 (Course Director)
FAX: +81(Japan)-96-342-3372 (Course Director)

since 1st April, 2004

Introducing all 2 laboratories

The chemistry department was reorganized on the 1st April in 1997. The former 5 laboratories was unified into two division, "Physical Chemistry" and "Inorganic and Organic Chemistry".

From 1st April in 2004, a brand new department "Department of Science" has just started!! Two chemistry laboratories support an education of the "Chemistry and Physics Program".

Physical Chemistry Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
The HOME PAGEs of several staffs have opened. Those of others will start soon.

Course Informations

[SCIENCE] Faculty of Science home page
[KUMAMOTO Univ.] Kumamoto University home page
